sabato 7 luglio 2012

July 7: Lucca

We spent the morning in Lucca, a small town to the west of Florence.

These are both from the train on the way to Lucca.

Lucca's a really cute town that still has the medieval wall around it. 

They also had an exhibit in the walls because next year is Lucca's 500 year anniversary:

We spent the morning walking around town, sightseeing, and taking pictures. 

The town used to have a Roman amphitheater, and people built their houses around it. Eventually, they took the stones from the amphitheater to build other things, so the buildings create the round Piazza dell' Anfiteatro. We stayed in the Piazza and had lunch. 

1 commento:

  1. should seriously make a calendar out of your pictures (the countryside is gorgeous!). So I guess online pictures of italy do not exaggerate how pretty it is everywhere!
